Even Saturdays @ Noon
When Greg Dalton set off for the Russian Arctic in 2007, he didn’t know how profoundly his life was about to change.
The voyage, organized by the Commonwealth Club, provided an up-close view of the effects of climate disruption in the region. Walking on melting tundra, sailing through fields of ice and witnessing strange new animal migrations, Greg came face to face with the reality of climate change.
While the first-hand exposure was heartbreaking, it was a personal encounter with a small girl in a Chuchki village that shifted Greg’s perspective for good. While he was speaking to her and her father about their changing lives in the Arctic Circle, she suddenly squealed, “Wow!” and started chasing a butterfly. Her father remarked, “We didn’t used to have those.” It was a moment of wonder, but also of extreme change and alarm.
Upon returning home, Greg worked with Commonwealth Club CEO Gloria Duffy to launch Climate One. We are proud that after more than 10 years, Climate One is still covering the most important issue of our time by convening people, connecting ideas, and inspiring new approaches.
Meet The Host

Host Contact: @climateone
Host Info: Greg Dalton founded Climate One at The Commonwealth Club in 2007 after traveling to the Russian Arctic on a global warming symposium with climate scientists and journalists. Today Climate One produces a weekly radio show broadcast on public stations in California and across the country in addition to a podcast that is heard around the world. Greg also hosts a monthly TV show on KRCB TV 22 on Comcast and DirecTV.