Remembering Ourselves

Odd Mondays @3pm

Remembering Ourselves explores the music and cultural practices of our past in order to ground us as we move forward beyond these times of distraction and disconnection towards a period of reunion and deeper relationship – with our neighbors, with our fellow Americans, and with the more than human world around us.

Mostly having grown up in the suburbs, I’ve lived in major cities for most of my adult life as I worked to build an internet that democratized culture and power. After having children and feeling the sense that our relationship to technology had in part led to a culture of distraction and disconnection, my family and I moved during the pandemic out to Villa Grande, a small town in the redwoods near Monte Rio a few miles from where the river meets the sea. For the first time in my life, I felt a deeper connection to the land and waters where I live, and have started to learn more about the deeper history of this place.  As part of my work with the Russian River Historical Society, I’ve started to collaborate with people from various generations and backgrounds across the north bay who are seeking a more grounded and inclusive experience of our shared history in order to deepen our connection to each other and our more than human kin.

During this show, I will be inviting guests to bring music from different phases of their life: two songs from their early life before they chose their own music, two from their coming of age when they started to really get into music for themselves, and two from this current period since the pandemic. Using the songs as context, we’ll explore these times together with an eye towards how we might move out of this period of disconnection and loneliness into a new era of reunion.

Remembering Ourselves

Host: Colin Mutchler2024-2025


Meet The Host

Host Name: Colin Mutchler
Host Contact:
Host Info: Not available