Odd Saturdays @11am
A smorgasbord. A pastiche. A potpourri. A hodgepodge. A mishmash. A dog’s breakfast. Musical offerings selected at random from the KOWS studio’s Mighty Wall of Sound, plus spontaneous commentary, seditious incitements, and the occasional interview with interesting in-studio and phone-in guests from the world of Show Biz, and beyond.
Airing odd Saturdays, 11:00 am
See you on the radio!
Meet The Host

Host Contact: thomasmcintyre@hotmail.com
Host Info: Happy to be a member of the Herd, Tom, a Southern California native, brings a diverse background to the airwaves: Art school dropout, casualty of the 60's, sign painter, cartoonist, graphic artist, long-haul ice cream truck driver, veteran of community and Equity theaters, voice-over guy, cardboard aficionado, counterculture manifesto solicitor, passionate advocate of various types of stuff, unredeemed jazz snob, and lapsed freak. He does his best, honest.