There is very good news to report. KOWS has been awarded $5,000 from The Fessenden Fund ( a charitable group in San Diego) for antenna relocation. In addition, they have also offered to fund an additional $5,000 if we can come up with another $5,000 in matching funds ourselves. Needless to say, this will bring us much closer to our hopes of getting the new equipment and other needs for relocation. Suffice it to say, this money can only be used for Antenna Relocation drive, not for general use.
To that end, we will be asking all of you to help raise the additional $5,000 by stepping up and help out by going the extra mile. We’ll be announcing our plans and ideas on how to get this done at our next KOWS General Meeting (scheduled for Monday, September 21). Mark your calendars now and come to the meeting. We have a goal of 100 percent participation from all KOWS Volunteers. If you value your program and the sustainability of KOWS then participation and commitment is essential. There are a lot of moving parts to this and it is very complicated. However, with these grants and your hard efforts raising money through events, dues,grants, underwriters and possible other avenues we can get there ( plus pay our monthly bills ).
The consensus from a previous General Meeting was to move our antenna closer to Sebastopol and expand our audience dramatically. Our Antenna Relocation Committee is working very hard right now to coordinate the proper new location and arrange the necessary details. I know we have been talking about this for a long time and you may be getting weary because it hasn’t happened yet. We are committed to a clear cut solution and action on this within two months from now. We will have a definite site and proposal within 60 days. A couple or properties have already been identified and final research is being done to select the final new home for our antenna. The specific new location will determine the cost of what we will need because each property will offer separate challenges including the actual costs. We simply don’t know just yet. But we will soon. Hang in there please for this final push.